
Good intentions....

It's 9am on Sunday morning and I am propped up in bed sipping my coffee and nibbling on toast that my darling husband has brought to me.  I had good intentions.  I was going to leap out of bed at 6.30, go for a walk then a swim before cooking up bacon and eggs for breakfast.  đŸ˜ Well, you know what they say about good plans .......... We are going to Cairns later this morning.  Philip wants to buy an extension for his hedge trimmer so that the gardener and he can trim our very tall geisha girls this week.  He has googled the Bosch website and found that he can buy the extension at Bunnings.  So Bunnings we shall go.  â˜šī¸ Earlier this week I purchased Event Cinema tickets to go and see The Mule today.  It has been given bad reviews so that is a very good reason to watch it.  I have never yet agreed with any bad review of any movie that I have watched.  I wonder who these reviewers are? Anyway I will let you know what WE think. And how's th...

A beautiful day in Paradise

So, we have gone from this....... To this...... We are so grateful that we finally have sunshine.  The country is extremely wet and Philip informed me that he almost bogged himself when he moved the cattle yesterday.  That's never happened in the twelve years that we have lived here.  Thank goodness we didn't have the awful damaging rain that other areas of Queensland have had, and I'm not complaining, but this is our first real day of sunshine in more than a month. My heart goes out to all those in Townsville who have to face the almost impossible task of cleaning out all that mud from their houses.  What an awful job. But so much worse than that has been the flood around Julia Creek.  Many of our friends have had huge cattle losses some have lost their entire herd.  I just don't know how they will recover from that disaster and any help we can give them will be appreciated, although they would never ask. On the home front it has been much of the same. ...

You have to try this recipe......

My husband gave it a big thumbs up and I have to agree with him.  It was very delicious. I do up a meal plan every Tuesday before I shop groceries on Wednesday.  Last week I added Miso Salmon to Monday's meal plan and as I watched My Kitchen Rules on Sunday night I was surprised to see the two contestants were also cooking Miso Salmon.  My recipe is served with Bok Choy and Mushrooms and the contestants served there's with a black rice salad that looked really delicious so I decided I would add it to my plate.  I used my own Miso Salmon recipe but I think the one the contestants used was very similar.  You could go to the website to check it out HERE . Remember to have all your ingredients prepped and ready before you start and it will come together very quickly. So here is my recipe. Maple and Miso Salmon with Asian Greens (Serves 2) INGREDIENTS: 2 x 160g salmon fillets, skin removed 2 tbsp miso paste 1 tbsp maple syrup 2 tbsp hot water 2 tsp sesame oil 100g sh...

Rain, Rain and yet more Rain.......

Let me say straight up that I have all the sympathy in the world for those that are currently in drought.  I lived it and breathed it for more than thirty years and it is one of the reasons that we chose Julatten as our retirement place.  Here, we have a proper wet season with rain falling out of the sky with every cloud that passes over us from December to March and sometimes beyond.  There is nothing in the world I enjoy more than falling asleep to the sound of rain on the roof.  We have certainly had our far share lately though.  We have recorded more than 600ml in the past week and as I write this blog, propped up in bed, the rain has just begun to fall again. The birds have all been taking shelter on our veranda  So what's been happening in our world this past week. As I said in my last post, all my scrapbooking supplies have found another home and I have been working on cleaning my office/craft room.  I didn't realise it was such a big space unti...

Birthday Boy

My Sweetheart is 63 today.  We meet when he was 20 so we are now 43 years down the track and married for almost 41 of those years.  It has been one hellava ride and so enjoyable...........most of the time 🙂. We enjoyed breakfast together and I cooked Philips favourite - Kylie Kwong Eggs.  I also presented Philip with an electric shaver for his birthday present.  It was no surprise for him as we chose it together! I forgot to buy a card but found this one in my stash.  Goodness knows how old the card is and  which three year old boy I bought it for.  A six in front of the three turned it into a 63 card! After breakfast we got stuck into our various chores and we were in the shower by 11am to drive down to Port Douglas. We had an appointment with our travel agent at Flight Centre who was able to help us with our numerous travel visas for our upcoming trip and then it was a short drive to the Tin Shed for lunch. We like eating here, right on the waters e...

Weekends = Fun!

After a relatively quiet Saturday, we welcomed having our friends come to visit us on Sunday for a bit of R & R.  Our friends Kate and Mike and their kids and grandkids really feel like our own extended family and we always enjoy a visit from them.  They all arrived around 10ish and after a delicious smoko of goodies from the bakery the women went downstairs where all my scrapbooking gear was packed up and taken home by Jodie.  It's taken me awhile to sort our my feelings about scrapbooking.  Did I want to continue - maybe, but not enough to justify keeping the boxes and boxes of scrapbooking materials.  So I packed into one storage box what I want to keep in case I took up a "watered down" version of scrapbooking and the rest went to Mareeba. While the women were doing this Philip took Mike for a ride around Julatten on their mountain bikes.  Mike wanted some lessons in gear changing and who better to teach him than my experienced cyclist husband.........

Time to replace the camera......

I took my Olympus camera out of mothballs today and walked around the place this afternoon to take a few photos.  I must say it felt good to have a real camera in my hands again. The majority of my photos these days are taken with my IphoneX.  The camera on this phone is very good and you would have to be fairly picky to find fault.  However, the resolution is not great if I want to crop a photo and the end result becomes very lossy. Our holidays are drawing closer and I want to make sure that I have the perfect camera kit to take with me.  I still love my Olympus OMD-EM5 but sadly it is becoming unreliable.  I purchased it in 2012 when it was first released and I have taken thousands of photos from the numerous trips we have made overseas and locally since then.  I will advertise it for sale on Gumtree but it probably won't bring many $$$'s. I have been doing my research and I have decided to replace the OMD with the Olympus Pen-F.  It meets all my re...