Cardiac Challenge 2018

Our friend Katrina asked Philip and I months ago if we would join her in the ride from Cairns to Cooktown to raise money for the FNQ Hospital Foundation that supports the Cardiac Unit at the Cairns Base Hospital. As Katrina's husband is one of the senior specialist's in the Cardiac unit we of course said yes immediately. DAY 1 - CAIRNS TO MT CARBINE - 126.9 km The 250 km cycle from Cairns to Cooktown takes three days and it was decided that I would drive the car with the camper on board to support Philip in this ride. The riders assembled at Tjapukai Cultural Centre at the bottom of the Kuranda Range at 5.30am on a beautiful Saturday morning. After a couple of quick photos it didn't take long before the packs were called to commence the cycle. Philip was in Pack 4 that consisted mostly of doctors from the Cairns Base so he felt like he was in good hands for the ride. Packs are not formed until after the ride up the Kuranda Range so our friend Katrina, who is an E...