Party Time!

The festive season has definitely come our way with numerous parties to attend.  It started last week with the yoga ladies Christmas lunch at Niramaya Resort in Port Douglas. This is always a lovely lunch where approximately 60 yoga ladies from Julatten, Mossman and Port Douglas meet with their yogis to thank them for the time they give to teach us ladies (and some gentleman) the beautiful form of yoga.  I have been attending yoga classes for ten years now and I can see the beneficial effects that it has on me.  I certainly notice the difference when I miss classes.

Eggplant Parmigiana

The barramundi main

The lunch itself was a little disappointing.  My first course was eggplant parmigiana, tasty but a very small helping and the main was barramundi with about four spinach leaves and a rather delicious sauce but once again, the size!  It was smaller than the palm of my hand.  But having said that it was lovely to catch up with friends, old and new.
The next party we went to was a house-warming/birthday/christmas all rolled into one.  This young couple have built their gorgeous home on Black Mountain Road here at Julatten.  The views from their home are magnificent....

but then again everyone here in Julatten has lovely views.  We sang happy birthday to Antonio.....

and chowed down on a delicious bar-b-que lunch before finally making our way home.

Our hosts Sam and Crystal thanking everyone for coming to their party.

The next christmas party was at Maree and Colin's house.  It is a very steep drive to their house but it is worth it when you see this splendid view from their home...

Maree and Colin had organised quite a few party games that were so much fun!  I have never laughed so much in all my life.  I had forgotten how much fun these nights can be.  We ended the night with a game of "Cards against Humanity".  On the box it says "a game for horrible people" and you truly have to have a very open mind without any inhibitions to play this game.  It can be quite crude but also lots of fun.

Everyone brought along a plate of finger food for this party and it is a wonderful way to entertain as their is no stress on the host/hostess.  The food was fantastic and we all came away with very full bellies.  Thanks guys for a wonderful night!


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