I love leftovers....

We had friends for lunch on Saturday and I cooked up more food than I needed, BUT, I love leftovers as it gives me meals for the rest of the week. My menu on Saturday was this: Hummus with chorizo topping served with crudités Roast Lamb Jacket Potatoes Braised Beef Cannelloni with mushroom sauce Chicken Pasta Tossed Green Salad Homemade bread Fruit Salad and Passionfruit Parfait Sunday we simply re-heated the leftovers. I had the cannelloni with leftover salad and Philip had the Chicken Pasta. Monday we had the same only we swapped over. Tuesday the lamb went into fritters with the salad that was still very good. Today the leftover potato, chicken and vegetables from pasta, leftover chorizo crumble, leftover crudités (chopped small) all went into a frittata that I had with the leftover salad (it is now finished). Each day we have also finished our main meal with a bowl of fruit salad and parfait and that is now also done and dusted. So, who woul...