Hands Up!

Hands up if you have a tupperware/container drawer that looks like this.......

Actually, it looks kinda organised but believe you me, it's a nightmare trying to find the right lid for the right container.  Now, last year on the Active Camper Facebook page someone posted a photo of these containers.....

I purchased them for the camper, immediately.  They are so handy and because they fold flat they take up very little room in my very small camper cupboard area.  When we were on our recent trip I mentioned to hubby that we should have these at home as well as camping so we ordered them immediately and they were waiting for us in the mail when we arrived home.  This is what they look like when they are opened up....

That is a large mango in front of the containers and it is not a great photo for you to judge size but you will have to believe me when I say that the containers are good sizes.  And the best thing we find about them when we are camping, with just a small fridge, is that as the contents of the container become lesser you can start folding the containers down to a smaller size.  You can't do that with tupperware.  How many times have I decanted from one container to another to make room in my refrigerator.  And the best part is that my container drawer now looks like this.....

My OCD is very satisfied :-)


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