80 Years Young

My mum turned 80 on the 24th April and we, family and friends, celebrated this milestone by having a "Girls Only Days" birthday party.  It had been organised some months ago to have lunch at the Garden Cafe in Toowoomba followed by afternoon tea and birthday cake at Mums townhouse.  The invitations were sent out and there were only a couple of inabilities due to other commitments and distance.
The day of the party we were quite busy.  We had to pick up the birthday cake, set out the afternoon tea cups, make sure there were adequate chairs for everybody, organise the food so that it could be quickly put on the table when everyone arrived, organise enough wine glasses for toasting and also get ourselves ready for the midday lunch. In between all of that there was a trip to the hairdresser for mum and a pick-up from the bus-stop.

Mum and her great grandson Lucas

We arrived in good time at the restaurant and after a quick chat to the waitress we were all seated in readiness for our buffet chinese meal.  Entree was served first - spring rolls and prawn wontons with a delicious sauce.  After this was cleared away the main was delivered to the table.  Lovely tasty platters of Honey Chicken, Prawn Stir Fry, Beef and Vegetables and Fried Rice made for a very delicious and filling main meal.  In between the eating we were able to move around the table and chat to each other.

Lunch at the Garden Cafe

We left the restaurant at 2pm and made our way to Mum's place.  My two sisters and I laid out the food and filled glasses with bubbles for the speeches and toast.  My sisters and I spoke and we all toasted to mum's good health and happiness.

Mother and Daughters

After afternoon tea mum had invited one of her friends to play the electric organ and everyone was given a booklet of songs for a sing-along.  It was such a lovely sight and sound.

The organist preparing her music

A sing-a-Long

We said goodbye to the last guests at 5.30pm and I sent mum off to bed to rest while I cleared the table and washed the dishes. It took me over an hour and I was completely exhausted by the end of the day but very pleased that mum had enjoyed herself.
Happy Birthday Mum!


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