Port Douglas Carnivale Part 2

Today we had tickets for two things - Audrey Cuttlebuttle's Great Bally Hooley Escape and Port on a Fork.  
Anyone who has visited Port Douglas would know the Bally Hooley Train.  It runs from the Marina to St. Crispins and takes around about an hour for the round trip. Today was a little different as the journey now became a "Live action comedy theatre on a moving train".  This is what the programme said:
"Guests board the Bally Hooley Train for a story narrated by Audrey Cuttlebuttle.  Our journey follows local sweet hearts Priscilla and Thomas on a passage to their wedding from the Marina to St. Crispins Station.  Enter Pirate Blaggard with his vengeance for lost love.  While Audrey slips between fact and storytelling, the audience will witness a hilarious, slap stick duel between Blaggard and our lovers as they foil him again, and again!  This is a fun filled adventure with something for everyone"
We absolutely loved this two hour train journey and must commend the theatre group on a job well done!

Priscilla and Thomas about to board the train

Audrey Cuttlebuttle and Thomas

Pirate Blaggard trying to blow up the railway line

The blushing bride, Priscilla

Pirate Blaggard stops the wedding and takes Priscilla as a hostage

Thomas the groom

Pirate Blaggard feeding Thomas to the local crocodile

The Cast at the end of the Journey

After the train we walked back to Macrossan Street and stopped at Zinc Restaurant for a delicious lunch.  I chose the Lamb, Pumpkin and Beetroot Salad.

At 5.30 pm, and after a little nanny nap we walked to the Courthouse Hotel where we meet with our friends.  After a quick drink we then walked the short distance to Rex Smeal Park for "Port on a Fork".  This is a night of music, food and dancing.  It was fantastic to see the very talented Ben Lee perform some of his famous songs.

Ben Lee
And later we tapped our toes to the Hillbilly Goats.  This trio, originally from Julatten, have really made a name for themselves.  They are not to everybody's taste but I enjoyed them.

The street food that we purchased was delicious.  Around our table there were choices of Paella, Crepes, Pork Rolls and Pizza.  At around about 10 pm we walked back to Macrossan Street and stopped for a few drinks at Paddys Irish Bar - another of our favourite places.  At midnight we decided to take the shuttle back to the Tropic Breeze. I don't know how they do it but it cost a whole $2.50 each to take us to our destination.
We had a fantastic time at the Port Douglas Carnivale and will definitely put it on the calendar for next year.


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