
Now that I have filled you all in on the great holiday we have just had to PNG and Singapore as an addendum I would like to tell you about the funny thing that happened with our flight from Port Moresby to Cairns. No photos to support this story unfortunately.
We arrived into Port Moresby from Singapore at about 5am and our flight to Cairns wasn't due to leave until 9am.  We were all pleased with this because we would be back in time for Kate and Mike's grandson's christening party at midday.
We all settled into the quite comfortable Air Nuigini Lounge and managed to get a bit of sleep before showering in readiness for our flight.  At 9am there was an announcement to say that the flight would be delayed and to wait for further announcements.  At 9.15am they announced that our flight was ready for departure so we made our way to the plane and were all seated in preparedness for our departure.
After we had been sitting on the plane for 15 minutes the pilot announced to us that he was having trouble starting the right engine so we would need to alight the plane so that it could be seen too.  ***Sigh*** .  When the flight attendant tried to open the one and only exit door, it was stuck.  From our seats in the first row we had a birds eye view of all that was happening and it was quite comical.  Two attendants pushed and pushed with all their might but still the door would not budge.  We saw ground staff racing over to the plane to attempt to open it from the outside.  Still no luck.  The captains voice came over the speaker "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience.  We are having trouble opening the exit door but we expect it won't be too much longer.  I don't think there is any immediate danger of fire."  Such reassuring words!
Shortly, the captain (or maybe it was the co-captain came out from the cabin and gave the door one hell of a big kick and finally, it opened.  We were all asked to leave or hand luggage on the plane as we alighted , and once more took up our positions in the Air Niugini Lounge (thank goodness we had flown business class!).  After another half hour we were asked to please collect our hand luggage from the lounge area as the plane was now being replaced with another and please be patient while they readied it for flight.  They also told us (quietly) that they were having trouble finding staff for this plane!
We finally made our way to the boarding gate of the new plane at about 10.30am.  By this stage we had made a lot of new friends as we boarded and disembarked the planes (again and again!) and we were all a very cheery mob as we made our final boarding!
It was with relief that we left the international terminal in Cairns at about 12.30pm arriving back to Kuranda just in time to cut the christening cake!


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