Has Spring Sprung Early?

It is a glorious morning here today with a feeling of Spring in the air.  The garden doesn't quite know what to make of this weather and I have plants flowering earlier than normal.
The passionfruit vine has had fruit for many months and is still flowering.
The navel orange really doesn't know what to do with itself and has new fruit and more flowers!
The mango tree looks hopeful, with many blossoms, but a drenching of unseasonal rain will see the end to them, as it did last year.
The Star Apple Tree that we planted from seed about seven years ago is laden with it's very delicious fruit.  It must have known that it was heading for the mulch pile if it didn't fruit this year.

And can we talk about the Jade Vine!  It is not even twelve months old and the beautiful metre long flowers are putting on a beautiful display.

In the paddock, our calving is two thirds of the way through and I love watching the calves play.  What a wonderful life they have here at Julatten!


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