
Today I am reviewing Jamie Olivers 20th cookbook - "5 Ingredients".  I ordered Jamie's latest cookbook from Booktopia last week and as it was coming from the UK I thought it would take a couple of weeks to arrive.  What a lovely surprise to find that it took just one week!

I am always excited when I open a new cookbook and I religiously read every single recipe in the book from front cover to back cover.  I make a mental note of the recipes and any that grab my attention are added to my menu planner.  I use the Paprika app on my phone for this.
Philip says that I have an addiction to cookbooks, and I would have to agree with him although I remind him that he benefits from my addiction!
I have purchased 100's of recipe books over the years but I do go through them every year and relinquish the ones that have no further use.  These go to Lifeline.  I remember my first ever cookbook.  It was the Australian Womens Weekly COOKBOOK given to me by my mum in 1977!  Forty Years Ago! As you can see it is a bit the worse for wear but I still refer to it for many recipes.

The Womens Weekly went on to publish many more cookbooks, and I think I purchased most of them.  I have just given away my most used.....the Birthday Cake cookbook.  I think most mum's across Australia would be familiar with that one.
But, getting back to Jamie Olivers latest, I think it is one of his very best.  Over the years I have cooked plenty of very complicated recipes, some taking days to prepare and cook, but as I am ageing I want less complication and this cookbook is just for me.
Today I made Smoky Chorizo Salmon.  Five ingredients - salmon, chorizo, basil, cherry tomatoes and olives. It was such a simple recipe and from beginning to end took me about ten minutes.  The recipe serves 2 and I wish more cookbooks would consider this option in their recipes as it is easier to multiply ingredients than it is to halve them!

Here is the recipe courtesy of Jamie Oliver 5 Ingredients Cookbook.


2 x 150g salmon fillets, skin on
300g ripe cherry tomatoes
4 sprigs of fresh basil
8 black olives
30g chorizo

Put the salmon flesh side down on a large cold non-stick frying pan and place on a medium high heat.  As the pan comes up to temperature and the salmon begins to sizzle (about 3 minutes), flip it over and cook on the skin side for 5 minutes, or until very crisp and just cooked.
Meanwhile, halve the cherry tomatoes, tear up most of the basil leaves, them toss it all with 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar and a pinch of salt and black pepper.  Chop the olives very finely and mix with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and a splash of water.
Finely slice the chorizo and add to the pan for the last 2 minutes, then toss in the dressed tomatoes for 30 seconds.  Divide between your plates, with the salmon on top.  Spoon over the dressed olives and pick over the remaining basil.


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