Day 13 - Goodbye Evergreen Hello Fraser Island

The vehicular ferry to Fraser Island was for 12.30 pm so we rose fairly early to fill up our water tanks and fill the Engel freezer with bacon from the Tiaro Butcher that Marco and Suzie had pre-purchased for us.   Marco also gave us fresh vegetables from their garden and some sausages that they had made that very week.  How good is that!

The Evergreen Heifers looked very inquisitively at us as we left.  Gee they look good!
 Our first stop was at Maryborough to purchase a few things from Coles and then on to River Heads where the ferry was waiting for us.  The girl in charge of loading the cars was obviously having a bad day and was quite impatient with everyone but nevertheless we were all boarded and departed at the designated time.

The 45 minute trip to Fraser was uneventful but we did pass a pod of dolphins that played along with the boat for quite awhile.  The photo I got was unimpressive so you will just have to imagine.  As we disembarked the ferry at Kingfisher Resort our first impression was very positive.  The resort looks like it could be a very nice place to stay.

After a few wrong turns we found our way out of the resort fenced complex and hit the sand.  The map that we were following to Cathedral Beach said that we should follow a road called Cornwell's, and that is what we did.  The road started out okay but quickly deteriorated into a very narrow heavily rutted road.  The road was only 20km from west coast to east coast but took us more than an hour.  You have to be very careful of approaching traffic as the road is only one lane wide and means that one of you has to back up and pull over on a suitable place.

 It was a relief to finally see the ocean on the GPS but just as we could hear the waves we came across a car that was bogged in the last sand dune before he reached the ocean.  Of course we helped him out and he was very grateful (thank goodness for the good old "snatchem" strap).

It was fantastic hitting the beach and driving along the super smooth "highway".  We had timed the tide right (can't say that was planned!) and made our way north towards Cathedral Beach where we were booked for the next three nights.

The coloured sands of Cathedral Beach loomed to the west of us and we knew our camp was not far away

We arrived at Cathedrals on Fraser at about 4.00 pm and quickly settled into our camp site.  It is a lovely shaded campsite that I'm sure we are going to enjoy.


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