Day 15 - Fraser Island

We've had a very full and interesting day with decisions made and changed quite a few times.  Most of the decisions centred around the state of the roads we travelled.
We started our day early to make sure that we drove the beach at low tide.  It was perfect timing and we had a great run along 75 mile Beach to Eurong.  We even watched a plane land on the beach in front of us.

At Eurong we went looking for the QPWS office so that we could ask which road would be the best to get to Lake Mackenzie.  We made the decision yesterday to move camp to Central Camping Station as it was closer to our departing point the following day.  I had mobile reception at Eurong so I went online and made the booking.  We finally found the QPWS office only to find that it is no longer manned so our road decisions had to be our own.  Fortunately for us we made the right decision to travel the "one way" Eurong Road across to Central Station.  It was wide and well maintained.

Instead of turning into Central Station we decided to keep heading towards Lake Mackenzie in time for a swim and lunch.  This is where things became rather hairy scary as we came across a downhill section of road that was very badly rutted.  Three massive great holes in the road saw us "hung up" for a scary couple of minutes.  Fortunately my husband is a good driver and manipulated the vehicle over the holes.  One of the park rangers was watching us the whole time (he was coming up the hill) and told us "Yes.  We have to do something about that".  
Lake Mackenzie was everything I had hoped for.  A pure white sand beach surrounded the crystal clear lake that changed colours as the water deepened.  Philip had a long swim while I just dipped my toes.  It was cold!

After our swim and lunch we were once again back in the car and when we reached the Kingfisher Bay turnoff to our left and Central Camping Station to our right (with the deeply rutted road) we made the quick decision to head to Kingfisher.  We knew there was no camping here and hey, what the heck, let's live it up for a night.  It was a great choice.

We took a long walk around the extensive gardens at the resort, out along the jetty and on our way back we found the perfect place to stop for a drink and watch the sunset.  It was fabulous.  I even managed to get a photo of a dingo walking along the beach.  No-one seemed very perturbed by his presence.

When the sun had slowly dipped in the west we made our way back to our room.  No dinner for us tonight as we had munched on an antipasto plate for sunset drinks.  It was a sweet end to a rather full day.


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