Day 17 Rockhampton to Blacks Beach Mackay

Nothing much to report today.  The road between Rockhampton and Sarina is quite boring and I remember my dad calling it the "horror stretch".  The road has improved slightly over the years, particularly when the road was moved slightly to the east.  It is a relief to the eyes to come across the ocean views at Clareview.
As we were fuelling up at Yaamba we watched this fella walking along the highway.  I have no idea what his plan was but it's a hard way to see the world.

It was, once again, a rainy day.  We have commented to each other that we have been under cloud cover almost the whole time we have been away.  One thing that is a relief though is that the temperature has warmed.  Gee we struck some cool weather.

Wickicamps has been a lifesaver on this trip and has directed us to some places that we might have bypassed.  Today, for example, we found that there was a rest area at Sarina Beach that looked inviting even though it was still drizzling.  It was a good choice and we discussed how many of these beaches there are along the east coast of Australia.  Philip recalled his mother saying that it was her dream to call in at every beach along the Queensland coast.  Well Dallas, we are working on it for you.
Sarina Beach

Another search on Wikicamps found us a really fabulous van park at Blacks Beach north of Mackay.  This has been by far and away the best park we have stayed at.  The amenities are impeccable and the sites very large shady and green.  We opted to pay the extra dollars to have an absolute beachfront site.  We did regret this however when l a storm blew in from the ocean.  It was very windy and we ended up dismantling the annex as we were frightened it may take off through the night.

Blacks Beach Mackay 

I had a an uncomfortable night as I have picked up the same bug that Philip had at Fraser Island.  It's not a bad bug but it does make you feel a bit "off".
We cooked up a roast pork belly tonight with all the vegetables and I will just have to take Philips word for it that it tasted great because I just could not stomach it.  Let's hope I feel better tomorrow as we are staying with friends tomorrow night and I don't want to pass on the bug.


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