We always seem to be busy.....

I don't know how we manage it but we always seem to have everything happen at the same time.  Take for example our week two weeks ago.  We drove to Cairns on Monday to drop our camper in to have a new hot water system installed.  We drove back to Cairns on Tuesday to pick the camper up.  We drove back to Cairns on the Thursday to have the Toyota serviced and then on Friday we trucked cattle (see my last post).  Why we organise these things to happen all in the same week is beyond me!
Anyway it gave us opportunities to go to the movies to see Pitch Perfect 3 and The Post and to have a couple of really nice lunches.  Our favourite place for lunch at the moment is Ozmosis at Edge Hill.
We both ordered refreshing and energising smoothies to start and then Philip had a Chicken Ceasar Salad while I ordered the Turkey Club Sandwich.  The meal was delicious and very fresh.

Last Monday was Philips 62nd birthday so I invited a few friends and family to help us celebrate.  My hubby certainly did celebrate and had the pain the next day just to prove it!  I didn't get any photos from the lunch but here is the menu....

We continue to eat as healthy as we possibly can and my weekly trips to the Mossman Markets give us a bountiful supply of fresh vegetables.  I love wandering through the markets to see what is in season and then plan in my head, the meals that we will eat the following week.
I enjoy trying new recipes and I found a Pineapple Fried "Rice" recipe this week that sounded interesting.  I have lots of pineapples growing in the garden at the moment and I also had a bag of cauliflower "rice" in the freezer so it was a perfect way to use the produce.  We had some fish fillets in the freezer so I crumbed them and served them with the "rice".  It was very healthy and delicious.

We are heading to Noosa next week for a wedding so I have been trying to get a little colour on my body before hitting the ocean.  I find that if I do that I don't have to endure sunburn, and besides it's nice to have a little tanning on the body.  Of course when I set up my chair on the lawn my faithful lab, Hudson, comes right up beside me and makes himself at home.  He turned 11 in December and it looks like he will be around for a long time yet.

When we built our Queenslander back in 2006 we didn't really think too much about the maintenance involved in owning a timber home.  My goodness me.  It never stops.  Last weekend we spent a whole day guerning down the verandah railings.  This weekend we are attacking the slats around the bottom of the house.  I guernied the slats this morning and now Philip has started on the painting.  It is a joint effort that we hope to complete over the following weeks.  

That's a wrap for this week my friends.  Hopefully next post will be all about Noosa!


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