Easter - a full report

There is something about Easter.  I love it.  As a kid growing up it was the excitement of finding easter eggs at the end of the bed in the "nest" that we had made from straw laid in cardboard shoe boxes.  Our kids followed the tradition of making nests by filling their cowboy hats with straw or torn up newspaper.  Today as I scroll through Instagram it was filled with photos of kids on an Easter Egg Hunt.  What a great tradition!
We started our Easter Weekend on Good Friday with Hot Cross Buns for breakfast and a whole deep fried coral trout with a Thai Salsa for lunch.  Dinner was mud crab and beers.
My first ever attempt at Hot Cross Buns.
We invited friends for Sunday lunch and it was lovely to sit around for hours and just "shoot the breeze".

Lunch was very laid back as I had prepared everything the day before and it was just a matter of throwing a few things in the oven and firing up the BBQ.  I love this style of preparation and it is so different to the way I used to do things.  In those days I never seemed to be able to sit down and enjoy my guests.
This was the menu....

and the prepared meal....

While they were waiting for lunch the kids had a game of "Pick up Sticks"

One of our friends made some absolutely delicious mud cake cup cakes and a marshmallow bunny.  I can't remember the last time I have eaten homemade marshmallow and I had forgotten how good it tastes.

We took the drone for a bit of a fly when the rain had cleared a little but we had forgotten to charge the control so we had a bit of trouble getting it up.  However we did manage to get this photo....

Hudson is always part of the action and is not at all worried by the Drone flying above!
It really was a pleasant Easter and I'm already looking forward to next year!


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