Time for a walk through the garden......

It's been awhile since I took you for a walk through the garden. Where we live we really don't have an autumn, in fact not much winter either! This year everyone is hoping for slightly cooler weather as it makes the very long summer more bearable. I shouldn't complain though as we really do live in a beautifully spectacular part of the world. So let's go for that walk. The Gladioli are just starting to flower. I usually cut them and bring them inside as they make a beautiful floral arrangement. The Jade Vine continues to put on a splendid show. And would you look at this Tibouchina! My favourite shades of pink... Talking of pink, lets also talk about these orchids. The one above is the last little bloom from the Cooktown Orchid and the one below is one that I picked up on a Bunnings "throw out" table. It just needed a little love! And then we have the shades for orange both in the Bird of paradise and the tree loaded with oranges in the background. ...