I'm a Royalist

Yes, I love all the Pomp and Pageantry of the Royal Family and doesn't a Royal Wedding have it all! All the speculation!  Who made the dress?  What Tiara will the bride choose?  Who will walk her down the aisle? What will be the wedding vows?  What will the groom wear?  What will the Queen wear?  On and On!  But gee, wasn't it a star studded affair will all the main cast from Suits.  Wouldn't have a clue what there real names are.  Just know them as Harvey, Jessica, Mike and Lewis!
Then we had the Clooneys - didn't Amal look spectacular - and the Beckhams - does Victoria ever smile?  Such an assembly of the worlds glamour set!
Then the moment when Meghan stepped from the car.  The gasps of approval at her beautifully simple gown, and that 5 metre veil held up by two pageboys who almost stole the show!  I was just so excited for Meghan as she walked down the aisle to Harry.  And.....they held hands the whole time!  What a gorgeous show of love.
Then we had Bishop Micheal Curry deliver his 15 minute sermon.  It started off well with words of love from the Late Martin Luther King and I thought this is going to be great.  But then it went on, and on and ONNNN.
I read this on the ABC news website:
"A copy of Bishop Curry's address was distributed in advance, but he immediately went off script, barely glancing at the tablet in front of him on which his prepared words blinked patiently".
I loved the twitter caption by Shane Morgan of a photo of Princess Beatrice with a bemused look on her face during the sermon and the caption saying "I'm so booking Michael Curry for my wedding. Boom!"
It was a lovely simple wedding service and who didn't enjoy the gospel choir singing "Stand by Me".
Now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be enjoying time together away from the crowds and paparazzi and they will forever look back on this day when two hearts became one.


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