KIND Jungle Ride 2018

Philip has been doing a lot of cycling over the past six months and its all been to ready himself for the Cardiac Challenge and the Jungle Ride.  They are both gruelling rides but the Jungle Ride is an extremely difficult and challenging ride.  Over two hundred cyclists registered for the charity ride from Port Douglas to Cape Tribulation and return.  The Ironman distance is 180km and half Ironman is 90km.  Philip was hoping to do the full distance but unfortunately severe cramps pulled him up at the 116km mark.
The ride started at 6am at the Port Douglas Sports Ground on what was an overcast and drizzly day.  The rain cleared but the residual humidity was a killer for the cyclists.

 The ride passes through Mossman where the cyclists stop for the first drink stop then on to Wonga Beach for the next stop.
Mossman Drink Stop

Wonga Beach

Onwards to the Daintree River where they board the ferry and then travel over the very long and arduous Alexandra Range into Cape Tribulation for lunch.
Daintree Ferry

Reaching the top of Alexander Range

Cape Tribulation at last


And then, after lunch they do it all again!
This is the third time that Philip has ridden for in the KIND Jungle Ride.  KIND stands for Kids in Need Donations and it is a wonderful organisation and it's great seeing so many cyclists supporting the organisation.  It is certainly a challenging and gruelling ride, but everyone who rides it feels a great amount of satisfaction at the completion.


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