It's been hot....

Just as I sat down to write this blog, the power went out.  This is not an unusual occurrence as we have, so far this summer, had more than a dozen outages.  Thank goodness we have a generator as it is an absolute necessity.  The sky has been building for the last few days with increasing humidity so it had to break eventually.  Unfortunately though it always seems to break with a vicious thunderstorm.

The lull before the storm

This was me just two days ago enjoying the pool after my walk.  It is a great way to cool down enough to enjoy my breakfast and it is where you will find me most mornings and evenings.

The detox has been going well for Philip and I.  So far I've dropped a kilo since the Christmas and New Year indulgences.  It has been relatively easy.  The naturopathic drops that I take before each meal work well and suppress the appetite.  I'm still only eating within an eight hour period and fasting for 16 hours.  This works well for me as I can eat whatever I want in that eight hour period (within reason of course!) so I just don't have any cravings. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprising is the alcohol detox.  I am not a big drinker as anymore than a few drinks makes me very ill but I do enjoy a glass of wine or G & T while I'm in the pool.  However, I've found that the Gin and Tonic without the Gin works a treat.  We have been invited to a friends birthday party this coming Saturday and I found a recipe for Mocktail Virgin Margaritas so I will make a jug of this to take along.  Philip has found Ginger Beer to be his "go to" drink.
I have also been getting back my exercise mojo and walk most mornings and also attended two yoga classes this week - one in Port and one in Julatten. I really enjoy the classes and when we eventually move to Port I intend doing a lot more.
After yoga in Port on Tuesday I made the decision to go back to my natural nails.  I have had SNS Nails for as long as I can remember - certainly since Chemo when my nails deteriorated very badly.  I really had no choice with the decision though because we will be away on holidays for almost two months with no-one able to re-do the nails.  Anyway, they look okay at the moment but they are extremely soft and brittle so I will have to be patient and just grow out the brittle.  I think I will get a professional manicure weekly until they are back to a decent condition.

We planted a dragonfruit two years ago and I have been waiting patiently for it to fruit.  Finally I could see a fruit bud and Trudi said to watch for the flower as it is magnificent.  Of course I missed it.  So the second fruit bud appeared and I was determined to photograph it but I missed it AGAIN!  In my defence, it only opens for a few hours in the evening so it's hard to pick when that will be.

This a photo I downloaded from the internet

Oh dear.....too late..

Can't wait for this to ripen.  I love Dragonfruit

We finally got around to placing the beautiful bird bath that our gardener gave us for Christmas.  She took an old disc plough blade and had a friend mosaic our property name, "KUR-A-MAR", across it.  It really is magnificent and we are just waiting now for the birds to find it.

And just to wrap up and to get you all drooling, here is the lemon slice I made today.  It was delicious with a steaming cup of tea.


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