Social Butterflies

We were invited to a birthday party on the weekend.  We didn't know the birthday girl but are friends of her brother who hosted the party.  About thirty of us gathered together on the verandah of our friends lovely home here at Julatten and enjoyed a hot roast pork meal with all the trimmings and afterwards there was plum pudding, custard, pavlova, trifle and rum balls. felt like Christmas again!

Steffi (my cleaner) helping with the Pavlova

First to arrive (as always!)

 We have been living here at Julatten for 12 years now and we are somewhat reclusive.  When I say reclusive I mean that we don't get involved in any of the community organisations.  After living in Julia Creek, and being involved in SO MANY committees, we were somewhat burnout when we moved to Julatten. However, doing Yoga and Tai Chi each week meant that we have made many friends and fortunately for us they invite us to most of their celebrations.  Of course we always reciprocate!

We had to go to Port on Friday to pick up mail and decided we would go to the Tin Shed for lunch.  We have quite a few credits on our membership cards and Philip had a birthday meal voucher to use so it made sense.  I'm so pleased we did because our meals were very good.  
I ordered the Salt n Pepper Calamari with Orange Sesame Glaze on Green Tea Noodles and green paw paw sprout Salad and Philip settled on the Seafood Basket that included Calamari, Prawns, Scallops, Mackerel, Prawn Twister and housemate Tartare.

We sat on the large deck and took in the spectacular view whilst sipping our cold non-alcoholic drinks.  Fishing boats came and went as did the showers of rain that cooled the air. If this isn't perfection I don't know what is!

Back home again I got stuck into de-cluttering my wardrobe.  It's something I like to do once a year but for some reason or another it hasn't been done for awhile.  I have a rule where if one new item comes into my wardrobe, one has to leave. This works well most of the time but sometimes it's hard to find the one item to send to Lifeline!  Hence the need to de-clutter. All up I had two garbage bags to send to Lifeline that is less than previous times and one of those bags was old and worn linen.

My wardrobe is not large but just re-arranging my clothes and rolling rather than folding has given the appearance of a much larger space.  I'm pleased with the result.  Now, if only Philip would do the same with his side.......


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